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Where we are

How to reach us

Arriving from
Venice Airport - Marco Polo

Take direction of SS14

4 min (1.8 km)

Continue on SS14.

Take Strada Provinciale Portegrandi Jesolo, Via Caposile, Via Adriatico, Strada Regionale Del Mare and Strada Provinciale Jesolana in the direction of Via del Granatiere in Cavallino-Treporti

35 min (36.3 km)

Drive in the direction of Via del Granatiere

39 s (220 m)

Your destination is on the right

Arriving from
Autostrada E70

Follow E70 to Noventa di Piave. Take the S.Dona’-Noventa exit from A4 / E70

Take Via Martiri delle Foibe, State Road 14 Variant of S. Donà di Piave / SS14var, Via S. Pio X, Via Tram … and Strada Provinciale Jesolana in the direction of Via del Granatiere in Cavallino-Treporti

33 min (30.6 km)

Drive in the direction of Via del Granatiere

39 s (220 m)

Your destination is on the right

Arriving from
Venice - Piazza San Marco

Take the ferry number 15 Venice-Punta Sabbioni

35 min (20.8 km)

Take urban transport Punta Sabbioni-Jesolo, get off after 21 stops at the intersection of Via Baracca and Via del Granatiere

18 min (12.3 km)

Go back towards Punta Sabbioni for 50 meters and keep left to enter Via del Granatiere, continue for another 50 meters

60 s (100 meters)

Your destination is on the right

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